Integrity Is Not Optional

Posted by writer on Thursday, September 29, 2011

It started with a walk on the beach with her sister on the day when I was very, very loaded. Coming home, I went to check my e-mail, and there's a nice picture with the inspirational words that I was so touched that tears came unbidden and flooded my face. It was a "God thing", which is certainly evident, because the words in this beautiful wallpaper repeated and addressed some of the exact feelings I had used to express my anxiety to my sister.

It was like a light going on - serendipity? - And so was born the idea for a new ministry. Touched by the way we post raises, I decided to start a collection of photos with the intention of doing the same for others - putting a nice insights I garnered over the years, especially in times of trouble, and sent them to comfort and encourage others.

Going online to "Google" search box I typed in "pictures". I squealed with joy and hosting hundreds of pages of photos came up on the screen. So I started searching. First, I created a folder in my computer and call them, "Landscapes," "Sunrise," "Oceans" and "Flower", and then over the next few weeks I was looking for the best photos to put in them. I took them in my graphics program and made pretty pictures with the inspirational words that I sent to people on my email list. "Sure," I thought, "this message will meet with people who need to lift, inspire, just as someone like you so inspired me that day after a walk on the beach." I was on a roll.

One morning shortly after I came down for my daily prayer and meditation time. Not before I sat down in my big chair, but the word "copyrighted material" is spent in my svijest.Hladno shudder came over me as I thought of the word. 'Oh, no! Copyright? What does this mean? On the photo? "I squirmed as I thought of the hundreds of beautiful photos on your computer may be copyrighted and therefore unusable for me. Surely people do not put copyright on photos? I decided to look after my prayer time.

But my prayer time will not go. I could not pray. There was something between God and mene.Nebo as brass for me. I was not making contact. And of course, I knew. I had to take care of this issue. So I got up and went to the computer, pulling my heart feels like it's a ton anchor holding it down. "What if I delete all those pretty pictures? Oh, I put in hours of searching for them !"

I was not sure how I would determine if the photos I was copyrighted or not, because when I save them, I changed the file on things like: "Landscapes-Green01." In other words, there was no way now to determine where each one came from. What to do?

I went and got some chocolate and cappuccino, and began the Google search box, typing in "Photography". I brought up the web pages one by one, and required them to see how one could determine whether there is copyright on the photos. After quite a long time looking, I saw - usually in very small print, at the very bottom of the page - "Terms". Clicking on it, I felt faint after seeing one after another after another, saying: "These photos are a work ..." I spent some time trying to read a long discussion about the "conditions" and found words like "intellectual property", which I had never heard of before. Needless to say, after a few hours so I realized that there was no way they can keep the photos so I happily saved on my computer. They are from many places, and I'd never be able to find one again. I would delete them. All of them. My beautiful picture. I went to bed with a heavy heart.

The next day I delete pictures, and started a completely new search. Starting from Google, I typed in "copyright free images," and spent countless hours finding that advertise "free photos", or "free stock photos." And I slowly rebuilt my library - very slowly - because the number of sites hosting the "free" photos, of course, far less. But I was pleased with what I found in it the grace to listen, to do the right thing, no matter what. I knew that God would bless this "ministry", if I have resisted the conviction he brought me over copyright infringement.

A little later, and after work a lot of nice "free" photos with inspirational messages on them, I came down to my prayer time early one morning, not before I started, when the word came into my heart, "many free photo limit. "There are no words to describe the reaction within me. "Oh, no!" does not come close. I could not believe it. This time I was angry. I dutifully deleted hundreds of photos so I painstakenly off the first time around. It's too much. There is no way I'll do it again. I got up and started doing housework. I was so angry I tresao.Vrlo thought of it! I just can not go through it again. No! No! NO !!!

, but as I pushed the vacuum cleaner over the more-than-clean the carpet, I knew inside that I can, because I knew the sky would be made ​​of brass while učinio.Najvažnija thing in life that my time I spend with the Lord in the morning, sharing my heart with him and wants to get anything from him that he was ready to give to me. I've been doing this for years, I have a story to tell of it are many. And now there was something standing still between God and me, and I was the only one who could remove them. So, with a heart almost too heavy to carry, I went to the computer and delete the photo, tears streaming down my face. All that work!

"How can I do it right, sir?" If there is a way, please show me.

I typed into Google "images with no restrictions." And needless to say, not much came of, but there were a few. So I started to take look. Most websites contain a mixture of photographs with and without constraints. I learned that before taking photos, I'd have to click to its properties, and then check them one by one for the "conditions". Many of them have limitations. Many of them said that the photos can not be used unless it is accredited to them, for example, "photo Jane Smith." And many said it could not "change" them, crop, resize them, etc. I can not use any of these, because they can not edit them much, recolor, and resize. So I left work a little painful.

, but I was pulled by the bootstraps and said, "Ok, I have to do it right. I will not take pictures unless it clearly states that there are no royalties or restrictions. And now, I will keep the name of the place in the file name, so you'll know exactly where each picture came from. "And so I began a long search process once again, nice enough for photography to create the atmosphere I want for the message, but without the copyright or restrictions. Also, the landscape had areas of empty space inside them to be put in words. "Busy", the pictures are out. Of course, all this greatly narrowed the number of photos I had to choose. But I was determined, because I knew that God would not bless anything dirty, illegal, or wrong in any way.

remained nevjerojatna.Vrlo first night I started my new search, I happened on a site that is very small files that would be appropriate. It was a sad attempt at this point because I suspect that they just are not any out there that would be really nice, but without any restrictions. I was thinking to myself that if I could find five or ten, then I could re-paint them in my graphics program and re-use them again and again.

After maybe two hours of searching, I happened to notice a link to one place to another place I have never heard, and I clicked on it. ... EUREKA! I found the new-ish sites having the feature to store images without the limitations of matter. My heart started pumping hard, but I was told to be quiet because he had to be a catch somewhere. So I spent the next hour pouring over the place as if with a magnifying glass, looking for the fine print where that will tell me that it is "free" site has some limitations - but it was nothing. I could hardly believe it! I was so exhausted that I went to bed thinking that tomorrow when I have a clear head, I'll watch again and certainly find the fine print. But there was none. This place had no conditions and no restrictions.

something that was later amazed that this new web site would not come up in a Google search. Just for fun, I tried to get back my steps to find out how I stumbled on this place, but could not. I could not find a place that I had that link to this page. And again - I just knew it was "God thing." Now I have several hundred photos suitable for placing messages on them. I saved all the files containing the name of the site I got it from, and the image number.

Shortly thereafter, my "Ministry" has begun to explode. Resources began to come to my attention that I did not know existed. Not only did I create beautiful and inspired messages, but there is a strong call on my heart to start writing too. Since the new resources I "stumbled upon" the more I learned in two weeks than I learned in all the time from the beginning of this.

walk with God is an awesome adventure full of surprises and challenges. If there's one thing I learned from the beginning, namely that there must be integrity in everything we do, otherwise God's blessing will be on it, and we are wasting their time. Sometimes the demand for integrity will lead to great frustration and disappointment. But if a person wants to walk with the teachers, and agrees to obey even when it hurts, it exposes the streams of the blessings of obedience, no one can predict. It's easy to say in retrospect, difficult and painful to do before the fact. Let this testimony to encourage the reader to the integrity of the foundation of every action, and thus the vessel the Lord can use "without restriction !"

More aboutIntegrity Is Not Optional

Make Your Freelance Photography Dream a Reality

Posted by writer on Wednesday, September 28, 2011

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For many people, beloved hobby of photography. There is something beguiling about being able to capture memories, events, sights and spectacular natural beauty on camera. With today's digital technology and affordable camera, it's easier than ever to develop a love for photography and get access to equipment. Anyone can be a photographer, and with social media networks like Facebook and Flickr, there are free ways through which budding photographers can display their photos. If, however, your photos become more than a hobby, there are many ways to love your art career.

Photography courses are widely available, and to cater to all levels of expertise and goals - whether you're taking a course of personal interest, or if you are career minded. One of the most popular photography courses around the course, free photos. There is something appealing about the life of a freelancer - working your own hours, choosing your own business and be your own boss. Free photography course focus not only on the essential skills of recording space, modern technology and various styles of photography, as well as freelancing business element, such as negotiating contracts, understanding your market and knowing how to sell your services.

freelance photography comes with many perks:

    do not have to give up your day job: If you are not ready for the financial uncertainty of a career change from a 9-5 salaried job fluctuating work schedules, freelance photography can be a smart alternative. Freelance photography career easily accomplished on weekends. Indeed, many of the events and occasions to be a photographer hired to capture occur on the weekend, and limiting your business that you can gauge the time during the work, time commitment and profitability of the business before you give up your day job. Freedom As stated before, there is a certain freedom that comes with the job and freelancer, especially because it does not work for everyone but himself and his own time . While success in the industry will depend on your self discipline and motivation, it is liberating to control their business and is solely responsible for its work flow and quality of work you produce. Be a part of special occasions and events: as a freelance photographer, you'll be privy to and involved in a variety of special events and moments, whether they are someone else's personal memories and experiences (such as a wedding or baptism), or an exciting event or occasion (such as sports games). the diversity of people, experiences and environments you'll get to work in freelance photography seems rewarding and exciting career that is constantly changing.

Following her interest in advanced does not mean going back to university or to engage in full-time studija.Niz distance education courses are available, which means that can study in their spare time and when it suits you. If a career in freelance photography appeals to you, you make a move today to turn your dream into reality.

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